With the exception of XWA, the ship specs mostly remain the same throughout the series. For the sake of time I chose to focus on craft in X-Wing only as it provides an adequate sample to conduct an in-depth investigation with. The scope of this guide somewhat encompasses the X-Wing Series: TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter: Balance Of Power (XvT: BOP) and X-Wing Alliance (XWA), since the inconsistencies between actual inflight game specs and sources were prevalent throughout all of them.

The Farlander Papers limited run novelette distributed with the original X-Wing release This write-up addresses the differences and presents a report of the actual technical specifications in the inflight gameplay of X-Wing. It wasn’t long before I discovered the significant discrepancies between the actual ship specs during inflight gameplay versus the source material, be it digital (e.g. My curiosity was aroused when I started using ship editors like X-Wing Editor Pro (XP) and X-Wing Ship Editor (XWSE). I paid great attention to detail when reading each craft’s characteristics and strengths, within the game and in game-related literature.

My interest in the technical specifications of Star Wars: X-Wing and its sequels has always been central to my enjoyment since I started playing the series in the mid-90s.